We are wondering for quite some time that you, our dear readers, have some unique terms to describe the things around you in daily life? In your office while you have a session with the colleagues? We bet you have more or less. In our line of work too, there are some specific language to communicate within the group. 3D visualization business also have many technical terms which are used in the meeting session or brainstorming. Some of terms, for the contractor, either you are architect or business manager, before you make a contact with 3D team, you should understand their relativity and meaning. And these are 5 most used terms in our field.
It is described as the word say, “model”. In 3D making, the word “model” means a virtual substancethat is created by computer aid design program (CAD). It is also included everything that can be modified and the downloaded virtual landscape from Google earth or Google map.
Material means the surface image of material that you specify in the project to create the understanding of the project. For instance, a box is added with the image on all of its faces that looks like a brick texture. That box can be described as a brick.
There are 3 types of lighting in 3D visualization:
Natural lighting: It is described as sunlight or sky light like we see in our daily life.
Atmosphere lighting: this may be quite subtle, but try to think about the filter in “Instagram” when you are about to publish your favorite image on the social network. The atmosphere lighting creates the emotion via color, noise, texture, and light itself to create the realistic
feeling when you are in the night club, resort, spa, etc.
Artificial lighting: It may refer to the light that is created by bulbs, internal lighting,
decorative lighting, etc.
Render is the process of production that creates the complete perspective from the origin model and the specified materials and lighting by computer. It is the execute command in our field. The result is the nice 3D perspective image for the final touch. Before we deliver it to our clients.
Retouch or post processing is the final stage of the 3D visualization. With the proper skill and a good pair of eyes, we can enhance the unrealistic image from the render to be the realistic one by any photo enhancement program. To be specific, we have to work on the detail of the shadow, lighting and texture of the image to create the satisfied result.