Other Brand
normal 3d rendering service
Have an holiday & vacation
AGENCY3D Benefit
24/7 online worldwide service
365 days work no holiday
working track checking real time
No time shift problem
Manage work on schedule track timeline
Experienced with global brand
Understand between Architect & real estate developer
Specialist from the most complex building to simple building
Multi international award winning
Effective 3D production chain effect Benchmark
High rise
Normal eye view 800 USD++
Expo exhibition
start 900 USD++
Aerial view
start 1200 USD++
Medium tower
start 900 USD ++
start 120 USD/ sec
Overall panorama
start 700 USD++
start 500++ USD
start 60 USD/ piece
Complex building
start 900 USD++
Office building
start 800 USD++
Master plan
start 1500 USD++
Commercial marketing
1200 USD++
start 700 USD++
start 500 USD / 15 degree shot
Interior house
start 600++ USD
Product Rendering
start 400 USD++
Furniture Display
start 200 USD++