How to get high with natural drug?

If you have morning anxiety regularly for a period of time, your brain starts expecting it, even on days when you have no real worries, Glick says. You need to break the cycle by retraining yourself to not fear the mornings. Then, adopt morning habits that foster calmness and living in the present. Here’s how.

Get more sleep

Natural High tip1 : Sleep

1. Get more sleep. Brush up on your sleep hygiene. “Establish a bedtime routine, and stop looking at screens at least a half hour before bed, do a quick meditation or yoga before bed,” Glick suggests. “Good sleep is really important for biological functioning.”

start and enjoyable morning routine

Natural High tip2 :  Enjoyable routine

2. Start an enjoyable morning routine. That means not snoozing until the very last second and then leaving the house in a panicked frenzy. “Set your alarm for early enough to get up, have breakfast, maybe even read the paper for 5 minutes, so you can deliberately start the day with some calm and relaxation,”.

speaking of the snooze button

Natural High tip3 : Stop using snooze

3. Speaking of the snooze button—stop using it. You get 8 more minutes of sleep at the expense of confusing the hell out of your body clock. Get up when your alarm goes off.


Natural High tip 4 :  Meditation

4. Meditate. Glick suggests a breathing exercise like The 4-7-8 Breath, developed by Andrew Weil, M.D., but doing any simple breathing exercise in the morning will help focus and relax your mind and body and train you to focus on the present instead of the past or future. Monroe suggests using an app like Headspace or Calm—“make sure to put your phone in airplane mode so you don’t get interrupted,” he says.

use positive affirmation

Natural High tip 5 : Positive affirmation.

5. Use positive affirmations. “Say out loud, or to yourself, some positive affirmations such as, ‘I am focused on the present moment,’ or ‘I am happy and healthy,’” Monroe suggests. Positive affirmations are an insanely simple way to train yourself to be more positive and present. There’s a reason therapists recommend them—over time, they do work.

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