50 AutoCAD Commands You Should Know — We are 3d rendering service provide,3d architect render,3d perspective service,realestate 3d,service 3d for real estate
50 autocad.png

If you are transitioning from beginner to eventual professional, use the command line. 
Make it a habit to memorize the keyboard shortcuts across all drafting and modeling programs. It will dramatically increase your efficiency and make it easier to expand skillsets. It also helps your brain make connections about how the software works, which can save hours of confusion.

Now it is the 50 Command that will made you more effective in Autocad


autocad tip & trick
This video will guide you how to load Lisp in AutoCAD 2015, how to load application in AutoCAD 2015, how to load Lisp in AutoCAD.

Defines which applications to load when starting / opening AutoCAD. Very useful if AutoCAD and your computer don’t get along so well.


autocad tip & trick

Calculates the area and perimeter of a defined object or a surface that you select vertex by vertex, according to the metric units defined in settings.


Choose a background image for the work area. It can be a single color (Solid), a gradual color (Gradient) or an image (Image) from your computer.



Generates a bitmap image (.bmp format) after selecting a series of objects, surfaces, or regions.



bmpout autocad

Creates a 3D box, defining height, width and depth.


Explodes a block or an object, but keeps its attributes intact after exploding it. Highly recommended.


Moves objects from the layout to the model, and vice versa. The best part is that the objects are scaled automatically in the new space.



Closes all open AutoCAD windows. If there are changes to any of your files that you haven’t saved yet, you will be asked if you want to save them. Unlike QUIT, you won’t exit AutoCAD with this command, just return to Start.


color autocad

Choose a layer color for future objects, lines and surfaces.


Creates a dimension aligned with an axis / line.


Creates a dimension aligned with an arc or circle.


Creates a linear, angular or coordinate dimension, starting from a baseline of an earlier dimension.



Creates a radius dimension for circles and arcs. Not to be confused with DIMANGULAR and DIMBASELINE.


Edits the text location of existing dimensions.


Creates a three-dimensional polygonal mesh.



Breaks up an object or block into each of its individual components. Before using, make sure you’re on the right layer.


Displays the coordinates of any point on the worksheet.


Manage lights and lighting effects on 3D models. You will most likely be prompted to change the viewport, or turn off the default lighting.


This AutoCAD tutorial is show you how to create linetype in AutoCAD with mkltype command from express tools.



matlib autocad tip&trick

Export models from Pro Engineer by creating xml file and use it in Matlab - SimMechanics. I uploaded .xml with .mdl and all .STL files I created in this tutorial so if someone who don't have proe can check those files in Matlab. 

Import and export materials from and to a library.


This video demonstrates how to create a multiline style and how to edit the multiline itself.



Complete autocad tutorial describing multilines in detail with multiline style and multiline edit, Each tool explained clearly with examples. 


This AutoCAD Tutorial is show you how to use quick offset command, check it out! More Video Tutorial AutoCAD Rotate With Point Angle:


Sets up the layout of a drawing.


This Tip and Trick video demonstrates the power of OOPS command in AutoCAD with an interesting example .

Restores the most recently deleted items. Its advantage over U is that you can use it after using BLOCK (or WBLOCK, export selected items to a new .DWG file), because those commands can delete selected objects after creating a block.

Unfortunately, you can’t use OOPS after PURGE.


¡Suscribete, Comenta cualquier duda y puedes darle Like! En esta sección de DAN Proyect te presentamos el comando Overkill en AutoCAD. Con este comando podrás eliminar lineas sobrepuestas o sobrantes y así limpiar el dibujo.

Cleans up your drawings. It goes over your entire model and deletes any duplicate or overlapping items. An incredible help for those who are obsessed with order and clarity in planimetry.


Autocad Page Setup

Specifies the page layout, plus the plotting device, paper size, and other settings for each new layout.


Este es el desarrollo de la atividad 1 de la semana 1 propuesta por el sena para el curso autocad 3d comando pface

Creates a 3D mesh vertex by vertex.


This video from Autodesk highlights how you can preview outcomes of frequently used commands in AutoCAD 2015. 

Shows how the drawing will look when printed or sent to a plotter. Before you do this, you need to have configured the layout of the page (PAGESTEUP).


autocad purge, autocad purge blocks, autocad purge all, autocad purge layer, autocad purge regapps, autocad purge audit, autocad purge unused layers, autocad purge aec objects, autocad purge linetypes, autocad purge registered applications 

Remove unused objects in the drawing you are working on, through a series of filters: blocks, layers, materials, thickness of lines, texts, among others.


Quickly creates a dimension, after selecting objects.


This video demonstrates how to create Leaders in AutoCAD by using either the Multileader or Quick Leader (LE) commands.

Quickly creates a leader, and a leader annotation.


COGT2114 AutoCAD I Drawings and Templates

Autosave the file. Very useful when AutoCAD stops working and you’ve gone hours without saving any work. If you haven’t named the file yet, it’s the same as SAVEAS.


Quickly select objects according to a list of available filters: colors, line type and layers, among others.

How to select object quickly in autocad drawing? How to select object? How many way to select object in AutoCAD? 


Have ever lost an AutoCAD drawing file just because you forgot to save it or you couldn't save it (due to software crash) ? This video deals with various methods in AutoCAD to recover a lost drawing file . Please be patient enough to explore this video and get back to me if you need further clarifications on this topic .

Recovers a damaged file.


Creates a render of the model you're working on.

This AutoCAD Tutorial is show you how to use material, lighting and rendering to create realistic object, check it out!!!


Creates revolved solids (3D) by rotating 2D objects around a user-defined axis.

This series of video tutorials covers the fundamentals of creating and modifying 3D models in AutoCAD. 


Creates a surface that joins two curves previously defined by the user.


Automatically saves all drawings you are working on.

autocad basic trainning


Displays a set of information for a selected object, including line thickness, color, dimensions, radius, and area.


Create a series of freehand drawing segments.

This is short video that shows how to use the X and Y coordinate system to sketch in Autocad 2013. 


Checks the spelling in texts using the language settings from your operating system, not AutoCAD.


Creates a region from a solid, surface, or region by subtraction.

This AutoCAD tutorial is show you how to use subtract command, check it out!


Calibrates and configures a tablet or Wacom.


Displays a statistics table of the file you are working on: creation date, last update, and edit time. If you’re interrupted, you can activate / deactivate the stopwatch.

This AutoCAD Classes is show you how to create date and time with rtext command, check it out!


The same as Ctrl + Z, undoes the most recent operation.


Deletes an AutoCAD command, even this one. If you want to reverse your decision, REDEFINE.


Manages AutoCad windows for 2D and 3D models.


Creates an infinite line.

This is an AutoCAD Tutorial on the Construction Line (xline) and Ray Commands located in the Modify Panel.


Export a file compatible with 3D Studio (.3ds format).
