It’s in our own interest to deliver the exact idea to the market. Have you ever wonder how this can be done exactly what you think? How can we deliver someone the project and they can interpret it exactly what we saw the project in our head? You can find the problem is quite common in consult session between architect and 3D maker; misunderstood the specific details, a sole intention that can be misinterpreted from 3D renderer. These problems do not base on the question of “What is it wrong?” but
“Why is it wrong?” in the process.
Think about it, if you want someone to understand your complex design, it’s better to simplify your project, break it down into a list of informative facts before having a session with them. “Rough story version” is essential for any receivers to understand the project easily, for example, what does the atmosphere look like? The character of the project? Where is the most crucial part that needs a sophisticated hand?
The reason for the simplified version is needed because everyone of us is different. We are different both in experience and taste, therefore the not-so-complex story can avoid the details that need to be elaborate which everybody can have their own version of the information.
Ernest Hemingway once said “First draft of anything is a failure”, the same can be said in 3D visualization rendering services. If you are a contractor or an architect, do not expect to get what you think in the first meeting with the first rendered image. It may sounds troublesome for you but do not worry, there are solutions to reduce the risk of miscommunication afterward.
It is called “feedback and references”.
The best solution to get what you want is to send your feedback to the maker; always try to add some comments in every parts of the project. The comments that work better than words are “image references”. It is always work best with 3D maker if you try to attach some images that refer to the project because each of the makers have different specific details in their head. With the comments and references you provide, try to sum them up in the simple and related version of what you think. The easiest way to get the clear result is find the similar image references which fit in your criteria. There are always the time that most of the architects can’t get the overall picture because they are always into their own project; always focus in the smallest of details, and find out later that they didn’t aware of the overall picture.
It is quite common that every architects have “a very high standard” for the final outcome and expected that 3D makers entirely understand what they are trying to communicate. But what makes 3D makers clearly understand is the lucid image references and very clear scope design from the architect. With these quality references, you can make the 3D makers quickly understand in the first session with them.
What 3D rendering made the huge effect.
Besides from many type of image references, the simple version of project story, it will save you a lot of time if you also prepare these information for 3D makers in the first place before having them do the job; the concept (keep it simple!), the mood board (a series of images refer to your project, it can communicate the appearance of space, lighting, texture, etc.), basic technical drawing (this is required to make the exact form and space you want, spend your time with it!), a complete set of design specification (type of wall, material of the ceiling, structure material, and so on). These information can be the specific reference when the 3D makers start to work on the project. They can disrupt any confusing information that would occur between architects and 3D makers.
All of these are the communication with 3D makers in a nutshell that need not to elaborate by conversation, with these basic information and the experienced 3D makers can enhance your management and reduce the errors that could occur along the way no matter who you are working with. So be prepared and keep it simple when it comes to communication with 3D makers.